This is good stuff man. You definitely know what you're doing. Very professional. And I love when it quiets down for a second.
This is good stuff man. You definitely know what you're doing. Very professional. And I love when it quiets down for a second.
Absolutely beautiful.
Tremendously beautiful song you have here. Especially that opening. I love it.
A cool video-game song. 9/10 and 4/5 from me.
Awesome Song!
Great beat, great idea, great rapping, you can stop me any time now, lol. This is great man!
Some of the best hip-hop I've ever listened to.
wow i never thought we did that good that anybody gonna say that
thanks man
The ORBZ are coming.
Age 30, Male
Orthias: Home of the ORBZ
Joined on 7/18/07